I post a different body weight workout each week on our facebook page. Here, you will find them all in one place. These workouts use a lot of the same exercises but I try to vary them by ‘serving the exercises differently’. I have not offered scaled versions of these workouts, please be careful and please, please, please do not attempt these workouts without speaking to your health practitioner first.* Otherwise give them a good nudge and let me know how you go!

*Physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to risk of serious injury. Before you begin any exercise program, and before you follow any of the advice, instructions, or any other recommendations which are made on this page, you should first consult with your doctor and have a physical examination. The recommendations, instructions and advice given on these pages are in no way intended to replace or to be construed as medical advice and are offered for general informational purposes only. If you take part in any of the exercises described and depicted on these pages you are doing so voluntarily and you do so at your own risk.
Body weight workout of the week: 12 reps As many rounds as poss in 25mins A1 squats A2 walking lunges A3 hip extensions A4 100m sprint A5 push ups A6 parachute hold 1 min A7 plank 1 min
Body weight workout of the week: A Tabata high knees on spot
B stair sprint, jog, sm hill sprint, walk, big hill sprint, jog or create your own intervals.
C Tabata skaters lunge
D stair sprint, jog, sm hill sprint, walk, big hill sprint, jog
E Tabata push ups
Note tabata: 8 rounds 20 secs on
10 secs off.
Body weight workout of the week: 10 rounds 30 secs on 30 secs off of A push up/2 sec downward dog hold B skaters lunge C step ups
Body weight workout of the week: A1 lunge walk 50m A2 sprint 50m x 20 rounds.
Body weight workout of the week: (as done by the Coogee group this morning): 5 rep each set. 3:1 tempo where poss A1 5 x stair sprints A2 5 x sm hill sprints A3 5 x squats A4 5 x tricep push up burpees A5 l5 x lunges (each leg) A6 reverse sit up A7 high step ups (each leg) A8 one leg hip extensions (each leg)
Body weight workout of the week: 1 min of jump squat sit ups 30 secs rest x 10 rounds.
Normally I would post a body weight workout of the week on a Monday lunchtime. Today I’m gonna ask you to try to sit for 10 mins everyday in Meditation instead of a body weight workout of the week. If you need as mantra to repeat in your head say, ‘ peace (insert your name) peace’, so for me it would be, ‘peace, Lisa, peace”.
Body weight workout of the week: Legs, legs, legs! 5 rounds. 30 secs rest btw rounds 20 box jumps (high bench jump with both feet and land in a squat, stand up on the ‘box’ and repeat) 20 walking lunges (each leg) 20 hip extensions with a 3 sec pause at top (lie on back, knees bent, drive hips up and squeeze your bum) 20 body weight squats 20 high step ups
Body weight workout of the week: pick a set of stairs (you choose the size but I did this earlier with a set of 45 steps… Small but acute) sprint the stairs then do 10 tricep push up burpees (tricep push up = hands close together and elbows to ribs). As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.
Body weight workout of the week: 10 broad jumps (jump off and land with two feet as far as poss), 100m sprint x 10 rounds. If you are a beginner do squats instead.
Body weight workout of the week: 16 x 20 secs work/10 secs rest of jogging with high knees on the spot then push ups (8 rounds each) rest for 2 minutes then 24 x 20 secs work/10 secs rest of skaters lunge (massive side step jump lunge so that you shift your weight each time) then burpees, then sit ups (8 rounds each). I did this with my Coogee group and also a couple of my one on one clients. It’s a good one!
Body weight workout of the week: Perform each exercise twice before you move to the next one. 40 secs on 15 secs rest of: Squats, push ups, bulgarian squats (back foot on low step), burpees, hip extensions (3 sec pause at top), sit ups x 2 rounds
Body weight workout of the week: 12 x 2 backward lunges off a low step, with a slow tempo on down phase and quick on up phase, 12 push ups same tempo, 400m fast as you can run x 6 rounds. No rest in between sets. Simple but effective!
Body weight workout of the week: 10m iguana crawl and push (crawl low across floor and press up at same time), 10 push ups, stand up and 10 sec pause, 10m sprint, jog to starting point x 5 rounds. Please be careful as you get up to sprint as you will experience a blood pressure change.
Body weight workout of the week: set of stairs (you choose size) with your hands on your head, 30 walking lunges, 20 sit ups, 10 push ups x 5 rounds.
Body weight workout of the week: ‘A ton of Ten’: 10 jump squats, 10 burpees, 10 jumping lunges, 10 burpees, 10 push ups, 10 burpees, 10 sit ups, 10 burpees, 10 step ups (each leg), 10 burpees
Body weight workout of the week: 10 – 1 workout (10 reps on first round, 9 on second, 8 on third etc) Lunge walk, burpees, step ups, push ups, sit ups and set of stairs (you choose how many)
Body weight workout of the week: One min on every exercise, no rest between exercises but one min rest at the end of each round……. Bulgarian squats (watch my training video to see demo, put foot on a bench behind you 1 min each leg), Bench push ups (hands on bench so body is on an angle), plank, sit ups x 4 rounds.
Body weight workout of the week: is a glute specific session, click on the link to find out more…
Body weight workout of the week: 25 x on the minute every min of 4 squats, 3 push up burpees, 4 lunges,
3 push ups.
Body weight workout of the week: Filthy fifties. For time, 50 squats, 50 push ups, 50 step ups (each leg) 50 sit ups.
Body weight workout of the week: lunge walk 100m, jog 200m, 10 burpees, sprint 100m, walk 100m x 5 rounds
Body weight workout of the week: 10 standing broad jumps (jump as far as you can, 2 feet), 400 m sprint x 5 rounds. BOOM! Always make sure you warm up
Body weight workout of the week: Squats, push ups, Lunges, burpees. Round 1 do each exercise for 30 secs, round 2 for 25 secs, 3 for 20 secs, 4 for 15, 5 for 10 and 6 for 5 secs. Do a big set of stairs after each round. Round 1 for 5 sets, round 2 for 4 sets, round 3 for 3 sets, round 4 for 2 sets, round 5 for 1 set and finish round 6 with another 5 sets of stairs to finish.
Body weight workout of the week: On the minute every minute for 30 minutes: 5 squats, 3 burpees, 4 alt lunges, 3 push ups.
Body weight workout of the week: 5 rounds of: 10 burpees, 20 box/bench jumps, 30 pushups, 40 squats, 50 lunges
Body weight workout of the week: Crossfit’s Barbara. Complete 5 rounds, resting 3 mins between each round: 20 pulls ups, 30 push ups, 40 sit ups, 50 squats. If you have not got access to a pull up bar swap pull ups to lunges.
Body weight workout of the week: Filthy Fives. 5 jump squats, 5 lunges (each leg), 5 push ups to t stabilization (push up then rotate your straight arm around so your body resembles the letter T), 5 step ups (each leg), 5 burpees, 5 sec plank hold, 5 sec prone cobra hold, 5 short hill sprints x 5 rounds.
Body weight workout of the week: 50 rounds of 1 squat, 1 push up, 1 sit up, 1 burpee, 1 tuck jump. BOOM.
Body weight workout of the week: 20 secs on 10 secs off x 8 rounds (otherwise known as a Tabata) set two cones 5m apart, side step as fast as you can for 20 secs and rest for 10 secs x 8. 1 minute rest. Tabata burpees. 1 minute rest. Run forwards and backwards between the cones (be careful backwards) as fast as you can for 20 secs and rest for 10 secs x 8. 1 minute rest. Tabata squats. 1 minute rest. 20 minute work out. Go for it!
Body weight workout of the week: 30 mins of on the min every min: 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 10 squats.
Body weight workout of the week: Evil Stair session! Pick your local outdoor set of stairs and run 10 sets but with your hands on your head the whole time. Boom!
Body weight workout of the week: 10 reps each exercise x 5 rounds as fast as you can. Squats, plyo lunges (jump lunges), step ups x 2, iguana crawl and press (crawl and press up) 800m run.
Body weight workout of the week: You can do this with a partner and tag team it (one partner does no 1 exercise and performs 10 reps before swapping with the other partner who is doing the second exercise) or go solo and rest 2 mins in between all the No 1 exercises. 100 rep workout. In partners A1 10 squats x 10 A2 plank hold 300m run B1 10 push ups x 10 B2 squat hold 5 secs – 1 squat 300m run C1 burpees x 10 C2 high plank
Body weight workout of the week: a filthy fives workout! 5 rounds no rest between rounds or exercises A1 5 x travelling jump squat burpees A2 5 x chest to ground push ups A3 5 x high box jumps A4 exchange lunges (jumping lunges) A5 5 x hill sprints
Body weight workout of the week: 6 rounds of: 1 min each exercise, no rest between sets. A1 4 x lateral lunge and one burpee A2 push up and 10 sec pause at the top A3 sprint 50m repeats A4 plank A5 prone cobra
Body weight workout of the week: 5 rounds for time A1 10 small hill sprints or stairs A2 9 travelling jump squats A3 8 push ups A4 7 high step ups (each leg) A5 6 burpees A6 5 walking lunges (each leg) A7 4 sit ups A8 30 sec plank A9 20 sec prone cobra hold A10 1 long hill sprint or stairs
Body weight workout of the week: 5 rounds for time (no rest) A1 1 round each leg (10 lunges in total) Clock lunge or multi directional lunge * *lunge forward with right foot to 12 o’clock, then 2 o’clock, then 3 o’clock, then 4 o’clock and finally 6 o’clock, keep your left foot pointing straight ahead the whole time, then repeat the other side) A2 10 reps Inchworm * *squat, walk your hands in front of you, perform a push up and then walk your hands back to your feet keeping your knees soft and stand up, repeat) A3 10 alt leg high step ups A4 20m short sharp sprints A5 20 Sit ups
Body weight workout of the week: 5 rounds 2 mins rest btw rounds A1 10 push ups A2 10 burpees A3 10 push ups A4 10 burpees A5 10 hill sprints
Body weight workout of the week: 100 rep challenge. Perform 10 reps of each exercise x 10 times as fast as you can. Squats/burpees. rest for 2 mins. Sit-ups/ step ups. rest for 2 mins. lunge walk/ push ups.
Body weight workout of the week: 20 traveling jump squat push up burpees, 1 min rest x 10 rounds.
Body weight workout of the week: 5 rounds of 30 seconds of jump squat traveling push up burpees, 10 sec rest, 2 x 20 seconds of squats (as many as possible) 10 sec rest. Rest for one minute. 10 x small hill sprints.
Body weight workout of the week: 10 traveling jump squats, 10 burpees, 10 sit ups, 10 traveling jump squats x 10 rounds.
Body weight workout of the week: 10 sets of 30 secs work/30 secs rest squats. 10 sets of 30 secs work/30 secs rest burpees. 10 sets of 30 secs work/30 secs rest walking lunge
Body weight workout of the week: 12 x squat then walk hands out on front of you do a press up and then walk your hands back, 200m run, 24 walking lunges, 200m run, 12 x hip extensions (lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on floor, raise your hips as high as you can and squeeze your bum as hard as you can and pause for 3 secs, 200m run, 12 x sit ups, 200m. AMRAP (As many rounds as possible) in 25 minutes.
Body weight workout of the week: 10 burpees, 1 hill sprint x 10. Please, please, please be careful with your lower back on the burpees if you are a beginner and when you get fatigued if you are going to attempt this. Remember you can always scale these workouts down or up to suit your fitness level.
Body weight workout of the week: 30 second run. Make sure you are fully warmed up. Set two cones or landmarks a least 10m apart. Sprint to the marker, sprint back and rest for 5 secs, repeat then rest for 10 secs, repeat then rest for 15 secs etc. Add 5 second rest each time until you rest for 30 secs and then reduce by 5 seconds each time i.e. rest for 25 secs then sprint, rest for 20 secs then sprint until your final sprint which will be after a 5 sec rest. This type of training is called pyramid training. Remember be careful if you are new to exercise. Flat out sprinting may be too advanced at this stage. Listen to your body, know your limits but go for it.
Body weight workout of the week: as many rounds as possible in 20 mins of: max rep push ups, 400m run.
Body weight workout of the week: Fartlek running session (Swedish for “speed play”) 10-15 minute warm up, 2 minutes hard, 2:30 easy, 3 minutes hard, 2:30 easy, 4 minutes hard, 2:30 easy, 4 minutes hard, 2:30 easy, 3 minutes hard, 2:30 easy, 2 minutes hard, 10-15 minutes cool down.
Body weight workout of the week: Find a hill, sprint up it and walk down it continuously for 20 mins (make sure you are fully warmed up).
Body weight workout of the week: CrossFit’s ‘Candy’ : Five rounds for time of: 20 pull-ups, 40 push-ups, 60 squats.
Body weight workout of the week: Fartkek training (‘speed play’ in Swedish). 100m hill sprint, 25 m walk, 100m jog, 100m stride repeat x 10.
Body weight workout of the week:Slow eccentrics. 10 to 1 squats, push ups, pull ups, alternate lunges. 3 seconds in the lowering or eccentric phase of each rep and 1 second in the concentric or raising part of each rep.
Body weight workout of the week: On the minute every minute for 15 minutes. 5 Body weight Squats, 5 Press ups, 6 alternate leg lunges, 5 Burpees. It’s a creeper of a workout especally if you go to full range on all exercises.
Body weight workout of the week: 15 pistol squats on each leg, 15 burpees, 15 sit ups, 800m run x 5 rounds. Note: pistol squat, find a bench or high step and sit down and get up using only one leg, the other leg should be straight out in front of you like a pistol. Try to minimize the contact with the bench.
Body weight workout of the week: 10 to 1 100m hill sprints and box jumps. Make the ‘box’ or step high enough to be challenging but not so high to be dangerous.
Body weight workout of the week: 10 x 400m sprints. 1 min rest between sets.
Body weight workout of the week: CrossFit’s ‘Barabara’, Five rounds for time: 20 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 50 squats, Rest three minutes between rounds.
Body weight workout of the week: Tabata lateral run. Side step as fast as poss between two markers placed about 6m apart for 20 secs and rest for 10 seconds x 8 rounds. Do 10 push ups, 10 squats, 10 lunges. Repeat whole thing plus Tabata 4 times.
Body weight workout of the week: A Ton of Ten: 10 squats, burpees, push ups, burpees, lunges, burpees, step ups, burpees, sit ups, 400m run.
Body weight workout of the week: A quick 20 min simple interval session will get the endorphins. 20 mins: 4 min warm up, 30 secs hard, 30 secs soft repeat til end. Any type of cardio you want.
Body weight workout of the week: 20 secs work, 10 secs rest x 8 rounds (Tabata) of squats, push ups, sit ups, step ups, fast side steps between two cones. Rest one minute between each exercise.
Body weight workout of the week: set 5 cones or markers in a straight line in front of you 10 big steps apart. Sprint to the first cone and back to your starting position and do 2 push ups, sprint to the second and back and do 4 push ups, sprint to the third and back and do 6 push ups, sprint to the fourth and back and do 8 push ups and lastly sprint to the fifth and back and do 10 push ups. Then change the exercise to squats and repeat, then burpees, then sit ups.